
Blogging Assignment 6

The most useful approach to use in critically analyzing The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway is Santiago as a Christ Figure.

I think this approach is the most appropriate because there are many elements that Santiago represents Christ Figure in the story. First, an evidence of Christ Figure is the situation that the old man carried the mast on his back. This situation similar to the situation with Jesus Christ who carried the cross on his back. This part describes Santigo as a Christ Figure. Second, Santiago's hands are injured in the middle of fishing, and Christ was crucified and his hands were hurt. Moreover, the injured his hands represents Christ. Third, a character of Manolin means a faithful disciple of Christ. Christ had 12 disciples, as known as the Apostles, and they were faithful disciples. So, Manolin represents a faithful disciple of Santiago. At the last, almost all parts or situations of The Old Man and The Sea implies Christ Figure of the Bible.